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Below are step by step instructions to remove DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund from your computer.
Note: This process is difficult and is not recommend unless you are an expert in this field. The manual process is also dangerous as the removal process requires you to access and edit sensitive files in the registry of your machine and run the risk of totally destroying your computer.

An important point to remember when removing DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund is to delete all parts of the DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund code. This is a must as DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund will rebuild itself and will result in further spreading of the spyware parasite.

Visit our tools page for some very good programs to remove DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund or any other spyware that your machine may have simply picked up.

DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund Description
DSS Agent may download software onto your computer without your knowledge or consent through product updates. Running DSSAgent on your computer might send over 10,000 DNS requests in 15 minutes, slowing your network traffic. It's been reported that DSS Agent has been discontinued.

DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund Removal Instructions

Before you can delete files, you must first stop all the DSSAgentBrodcastbyBroderbund processes that are running in memory.
Do this by ending all processes from the Task Manager.
Press CtrL+ALT+DELETE to open the Windows Task Manager. If you see multiple
"tabs," click on the "Processes" tab. For each process that you would like
to kill, find the process name in the list, click it to select it, and click
the "End Process" button.

Delete registry values Instructions:
Open the Windows Registry Editor by clicking on the Windows "Start" button,
clicking "Run," and typing "regedit" into the box in the Window that appears. Click "OK".
Once the Registry Editor is open, navigate through the registry tree to the
location of the key that you wish to delete. When you find the key or
value to be deleted, click on it to highlight it and press the "DELETE" key.

Unregister DLL Instructions:
To un-register a DLL file, first locate the file on your hard drive.
Open a command prompt window by clicking on the Windows "Start" button,
clicking "Run," and typing "cmd" into the box in the Window that appears. Click "OK."
Next type "regsvr32 /u " and press the "ENTER" key.
For example, to un-register a file called "myDll.dll" which is located in
the "C:\windows\system32" folder, your would type
"regsvr32 /u C:\windows\system32\myDll.dll" and press the "ENTER" key.

Delete File Entries:

or Visit our Tools Page for programs that can help

Related Files: get rid of dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund  remove dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund  removal dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund  uninstall dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund  delete dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund  dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund remover  dssagentbrodcastbybroderbund removal